Practice Strengths & Skills One Step At A Time.
“Practice Until You’re So Good, They Can’t Deny You.”
- Steve Martin
Sharing experience helps reinforce the learning process.
Google forms and sheets allow you to set up an account to record your activity.
Nothing Happens Unless First A Dream
Carl Sandburg
The following steps lead you to the purpose for your life and how to build habits And improve performance.
Take the free Strength Finder Test (Bottom of Page). As soon as you finish you will receive a report listing your 24 strengths in priority order. Your top 5 are the ones you use most frequently.
· Think about your top strength. Did it confirm what you've always felt? Were you surprised? How do you use it?
· How do you use your top 5?
During the rest of the day, when thoughts about this first step come to mind, pay close attention. They are your thoughts—they arrive for a reason. Before going to bed do a brief review.
Focus on your top 5 strengths. Take time to review the list of transferable skills, page ??? and match them with strengths. Daily tasks require different strengths and skills. Enjoy the ones you use. Practice turns on the lights.
Take time to write down and review your Big Dreams.
§ Start a new business
§ Knit 20 sweaters for homeless people volunteer at the food bank.
§ Run the new York City marathon
§ Build a sailboat, cross the Atlantic
§ Increase guitar practice time
§ Start tap dancing lessons
§ Write 500 words a day
§ Spend a month in Spain
§ Apply to graduate school
§ Win an Oscar
§ Change careers
As you plan your steps add the tools you will use with each dream.
Continue using what you are learning. Spend 15-25 minutes a day practicing. This is the average amount of time required to form the new habits that support your balance.
Use Google sheets to track how you use your tools with dreams.
Everyone on earth is born with the same 24 inherent Character Strengths. They are listed below in six virtue clusters:
1. WISDOM - Creativity, Curiosity, Open-mindedness, Love of Learning, Perspective
2. COURAGE - Honesty, Bravery, Persistence, Zest
3. HUMANITY - Kindness, Love, Social Intelligence
4. JUSTICE - Fairness, Leadership, Teamwork
5. TEMPERANCE - Forgiveness, Modesty, Prudence, Self-Regulation
6. TRANSCENDENCE - Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence, Gratitude, Hope, Humor, Spirituality
The University of Wisconsin has provided over 100 transferable skills and a mega church on the West Coast has listed over 700 skills. The fact is that People have learned and mastered millions of skills over the thousands of years man has walked on earth. We are born with the physical and mental ability to accomplish miracles..